Close Advertising Paranormal News! UFO Hoax Fools Several French Media – Man Called Police After Bigfoot Sighting Paranormal News! UFO Hoax Fools Several French Media – Man Called Police After Bigfoot Sighting (1) World News (2) … UFO and Alien Hoaxes bigfoot bigfoot sightings breaking news expresso mandela effect live ufo sighting on channel 4 man called police after bigfoot sighting mandela effect most haunted places in hawaii paranormal paranormal highway Paranormal News Paranormal News! UFO Hoax Fools Several French Media - Man Called Police After Bigfoot Sighting the mandela effect ufo ufo documentary UFO Hoax Fools Several French Media ufo lights in the sky Ufo sighting ufo sightings world news 62660 views 125 / 31